Maker’s Hollow is a home and a community of like-hearted families, creatives, and small business folks. Enjoying Grace Story Co. is an art business and the market-place for Don Shorey's podcast, drawings, stories, reflections, and conversations.

Photography courtesy of Elizabeth Baxter & Caroline Ruth


Maker’s Hollow is full of family-life, lingering conversation, house-keeping, really good food, beauty, tumbling kids, and creative industry.

From this happy, hopeful, and thriving place; we are sharing our joy and vision through the partnered podcasts of Kristen Morris (“Good Things Run Wild”) and Don Shorey (“No Mere Mortals). The two crossed-over (and hope to again in the future) to also offer a set of “Maker’s Hollow Conversations” with Kristen and Don exploring together favorite governing dynamics of life: On Wonder, On Thinking, On Home, On Home-shaped Living, On Song, On Grace, On Rest, and On Places (all available in Seasons 1 and 2 of the No Mere Mortals podcast page at the podcast app and Spotify). We treasure real life conversation — with a delightful vision for grace-filled, joy-hungry Christian living, generational family life, creativity, home-based industry, and so much more — all with an orientation toward story-telling and story-making.  

Life in Maker’s Hollow is thriving with creative business endeavors. The music of Cal Morris Music, the photography of Elizabeth and Caroline at Elizabeth Baxter Photography, the art of Don and Caroline, the film-making and editing of Grant, the music and craftsmanship of Bill through Stone Table baking and brewing, the rehabilitation nursing of Lisa, and more — all serve others and live to make and share beauty and goodness. The media, writing, educational, and event endeavors of Don, and all of us here, aim to reach out and engage the larger community of any folks with similar hopes — offering fellowship, encouragement, and (when helpful) counsel and mentorship.

Beyond this local village of Shoreys and Morrises and Baxters and Bossoms, our increasingly-connected network includes movie-makers, writers, artists, musicians, teachers, photographers, and those doing creative industry in a variety of ways in many places.

Why Places?

Places — homes, wedding venues, family or childhood vacation settings, churches, schools, grandma & grandpa's house — have all been the set and stage for the lives we have lived. Read more HERE about Our Places, Our Dream Place & Your Places to glimpse our vision for the goodness of nostalgia and the happiness and hopefulness of our holy places.


Realistic Whimsy

My unapologetic mission is to provoke the emotion, memories, and profound nostalgia deeply connected with the Places our lives have been. I draw structures (both simple and complex), with an eye to portray them accurately, while also injecting into each portrait a touch of magic — infusing the picture with the warmth and wonder with which we see our own holy places.

Santa Barbara Bikes

Don's life

Loving life with my Lisa and our happy flourishing clan. Artist. Wordsmith. Storyteller & Speaker. Wanderer, Wonderer & professional Wool-gatherer. I have never met a mere mortal. I am cheerfully sacrificing normal for the better, the relational & the restful. Read more than you could ever possibly want to know about me, my people, and my plans HERE.